Saturday, March 31, 2007
au revoir~ @ 11:09 PM
i aint blogging in here no more.. au revoir! :))
Monday, March 26, 2007
random @ 6:19 PM
went to meet him for an hour during his lunch break.. and now, i'm home! haha. mmm.. am kinda bored.. so i shall just upload some pictures taken yesterday at oschool :))

Lefty Tribal Ah Lian Sisters (LTALS)! ^-^ hahaha. love 'em! *throws chair*

my beloved plankie! lols. i ask her to take emo photo.. and she gave me this face.. rofl!

yongzhi~ hahaha. asked him to take photo.. he say dun wan.. but in the end, he posed for the camera.. wtp. hahaha!

16 shots of darling plankie.. heh.

okay.. i like this pic.. so cute please! ^^
The Cross @ 12:25 PM
The Cross; The Great Rescueread this from a book a few days ago and decided to post it up here.. as you read, refuse to let the scene be familiar.. let its reality shock u and break ur heart.. like how it did mine..
the thorns that God had sent to curse the earth's rebellion now twisted around his own brow....
"on your back with you!" one raises a mallet to sink in the spike. but the soldier's heart must continue pumping as he readies the prisoner's wrist. someone must sustain the soldier's life minute by minute, for no man has this power on his own. who supplies breath to his lungs? who gives energy to his cells? who holds his molecules together? only by the Son do "all things hold together" (Colossians 1:17). the victim wills that the soldier live on - he grants the warriors continued existence. the man swings.
as the man swings, the Son recalls how he and the Father first designed the medial nerve of the human forearm - the sensations it would be capable of. the design proves flawless - the nerves perform exquisitely. "up you go!" they lifted the cross. God is on display in his underwear and can scarcely breathe.
but these pains are mere a warm-up to his other and growing dread. he begins to feel a foreign sensation. somewhere during this day an unearthly foul odor began to waft, not around his nose, but his heart. he feels dirty. human wickedness starts to crawl upon his spotless being - the living excrement from our souls. the apple of his Father's eye turns brown with rot.
his Father! he must face his Father like this!
from heaven the Father now rouses himself like a lion disturbed, shakes his mane, and roars against the shriveling remnant of a man hanging on a cross. never has the Son seen the Father look at him so, never felt even the least of his of breath. but the roar shakes the unseen world and darkens the visible sky. the Son does not recognize these eyes.
"Son of Man! why have you behaved so? you have cheated, lusted, stolen, gossiped - murdered, envied, hated, lied. you have cursed, robbed, overspent, overeaten - fornicated, disobeyed, embezzled, and blasphemed. oh, the duties you have shirked, the children you have abandoned! who has ever so ignored the poor, so played the coward, so belittled my name? have you ever held your razor tongue? what a self-righteous, pitiful drunk - you, who molest young boys, peddle killer drugs, travel in cliques, and mock your parents. who gave you the boldness to rig elections, foment revolutions, torture animals, and worship demons? does the list ever end! splitting families, raping virgins, acting smugly, playing the pimp - buying politicians, practicing exhortation, filming pornography, accepting bribes. you have burned down buildings, perfected terrorist tactics, founded false religions, traded in slaves - relishing each morsel and bragging about it all. i hate,
loathe these things in you! disgust for everything about you consumes me! can you not feel my warth?"
of course the Son of man is innocent. he is blameless-ness itself. the Father knows this. but the divine pair have an agreement, and the unthinkable must now take place. Jesus will be treated as if personally responsible for every sin ever committed.
the Father watches as his heart's treasure, the mirror image of himself, sinks drowning into raw, liquid sin. Jehovah's stored rage against humankind from every century explodes in a single direction.
"Father! Father! why have you forsaken me?!"
but heaven stops its ears. the Son stares up at the One who cannot, who will not, reach down or reply.
the Trinity had planned it. the Son endured it. the Spirit enabled him. the Father rejected the Son whom he loved. Jesus, the God-man from Nazareth, perished. the Father accepted his sacrifice for sin and was satisfied. The Rescue was accomplished.
don't move too quickly from this scene. keep gazing. The Rescue accomplished here was for you. John Stott writes, "before we can begin to see the cross as something done
for us (leading us to faith and worship), we have to see it as something done
by us (leading us to repentance)...... as we face the cross, then, we can say to ourselves both 'I did it; my sins sent Him there,' and 'He did it; His love took Him there.'"
did you see your own offenses on the list of sins that necessitated the Cross? if not, name them yourself. name your darkest sin. now reflect on the fact that Christ bore the punishment for that sin. He took the punishement you deserved. do you feel His passionate and specific love for
you? He died for
you. He was condemned and cursed so that you could go free - He was forsaken by God so that you would
never be forsaken. (Hebrews 13:5)
thank You for the cross Lordthank You for the price You paidthank You for the nail pierced hands
random misses @ 11:40 AM
its been 7 months now..
2 more months to go..
it began with 12..
then down to 11..
and now, its just 10..
mmm.. great friendships have been made during these 7 months..
we can totally be ourselves among one another..
yes, even if it means being unglam..

burping, farting, you name it.. we've done it all in front of each other..
but of cuz.. we're not always unglam please!
see, we do have our glam moments too!

its also in these 7 months that brought us closer together =D
haha. project o did have lots of good times together.. am really gonna miss these darlings when we return to our own cellgroups.. o! i suddenly remembered sumthing.. hahaha. last friday, after cellgroup meeting.. a few of us were just sitting around at o-cafe talking and chilling.. and dunno for wad reasons.. we talked about our future weddings and kids.. lols. so dumb please.. but something funny came into my mind.. i was somehow seeing us, years down the road.. gathering to talk and chill.. and this time.. with our families and kids.. hahahaha! like wad the girls used to say "we'll all meet up and bring our kids shopping!" lols. it'll be damn dope please!
i'm truly gonna miss each and every1 of them.. even the instructors! ryan! carol! gin! daniel! kenny! everyone in DN1! really~ hahahaha. aiya.. why dun we just fail our final dance exam and just retain for another 9 months in project o and DN1? =p lols. o yea.. speaking of carol.. she left singapore again.. and this time.. for 1 whole year to travel with sun! ahhh~ so cool rite! haha. am gonna miss her bubbly self lots.. take care carol! :))
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
random @ 1:10 AM
attended gin's reggae open class..
it was fun!
love it lots..
am thinking of going back every week..
then, after BF.. when i have more money.. shall register for the course..
e-ching's jump and turn class is cancelled tmr..
so i'll be attending gin's LA hiphop instead..
push myself!
dance, dance, dance!! wheee~ ^-^
am looking forward to the easter production..
we're only left with around 6 more practice sessions til the real thing..
i'm missing him now..
lols. ok, random..
bliss :))
mm.. he zam-ed (accidentally) my arm with his elbow this afternoon.. even until now.. it still hurts.. wad the pink.. i tink i've got like some internal injury man.. hahahahaha. wait.. come to tink of it.. not just my arm.. he seemed uber violent today.. not only did he zam my arm.. he also punched my nose and knocked my head with his.. rofl. so dumb la.. accident prone.. lols. but its ok though.. shall forgive him.. ha. =p

his ah beng face.. muahas! =X
ok, i tink he's sooo gonna kill me when he sees this entry.. hahaha! nvm la.. wait til he see then i'll start worrying.. hehe. mmm.. o ya.. my darling chewie's falling sick.. down with a fever.. take care babe! drink more water and rest well! hugs! love ya! =D
p/s: pui is uber high and retarded today.. she kept doing dumb stuff at oschool just now.. hahaha.. like pulling her trackpants uber high suddenly.. rofl! she cracks me up la.. love joo plankie!
p/p/s: darling tess din have a very good day at work.. so yep.. BIG HUGS FOR YOU TESSY-POO!! smile aite.. we're here for u to complain to.. hahaha! loves! =D
and before i end this entry.. i just wanna load this picture!

haha! thats him back when he was sec4.. hahahaha! sial la.. im mean.. always do such stuff to xia suay him.. woohoo! *psycotic grin*
okays. am going offline now.. gonna continue reading my book.. toodles :))
Monday, March 19, 2007
represent crew @ 6:55 PM
dynamix crew is now known as represent crew.. hahaha. and we had a lil gig yesterday.. for some walkathon thingy.. most people present were the uncles, aunties and kids.. mmm.. the stage was uber small.. so we had to change formation at the last minute.. some danced on the floor while some on stage.. it was funny.. felt very restricted.. o, and when chews did her baby freeze.. everyone cheered! hahaha. dope dope! ;)) so anyways, after the gig.. we walked over to suntec's mac for breakfast.. and we came across the old supreme courthouse..

its sooo pretty :))

we couldnt resist not taking pictures with the lovely building.. so yea.. haha

the Represent Crew :))
i love macdonald's breakfast! hahaha. mmm.. so after eating.. we went to the arcade.. played DDR with ter.. rofl. so dumb please.. hehehe. after awhile, got bored.. so we just sat around and stoned.. then, along came these 2 lil kids.. a boy and a girl.. then inserted a $1 coin into the kiap soft toy machine.. and tried their luck in getting a soft toy.. so the boy helped his sister to adjust the kiap-per.. lo and behold.. the kiap-per managed to kiap the soft toy.. so the kiap-per lifted the toy up.. but pui and i thought that it would most probably fall back down becuz it aint easy to win these kinda stuff.. but we thought wrong.. those 2 kids did manage to get the soft toy.. hahaha. they were so happy please.. they hurriedly grabbed the toy and ran towards their mum in excitement.. then all of us stood there in amazement.. we were like "whoa! so easy to win one meh?" hahaha. so chews and i got tempted to try.. so we looked around the machines and found one that's easy to win..

and we found this! the soft toy is just next to the hole! so we thought.. should be easy to win 1 la.. hahaha. but how wrong were we.. i tink we spent like almost $20 in total just to try and get the toy.. which we din manage to get at all! -.- i tink david spent the most.. hahaha. he had like 1 whole bunch of $1 coins in his hands la.. lols. this machine is addictive.. makes u wanna keep trying.. but its also super cheat money 1 la! hahaha. mmm.. then, thats about all for the day.. cuz i went off to meet my dad to go down to singtel building while the rest went over to the esplanade library..
Random Pictures!

i miss everyone in E13! well, maybe except for melvin tan =p

the best-est plankie in the world! =D


eddie's master piece..

his trademark smiley..

he looks like one of my nursery schoolmate in this pic please.. hahaha~ who knows, maybe he was from the same nursery as me.. lols. wad are the odds of that?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
God is always there.. @ 12:31 AM
two days ago.. i suddenly felt very lousy about myself.. in the area of dance cuz i still cant see my breakthrough.. felt so stagnant.. then, alot of negative thoughts filled my mind.. i questioned God.. asking Him if i was really meant to dance.. if so, why am i not improving? instead, i feel like i've deproved.. my faith and vision was shaken.. i felt so helpless.. and i cried my heart out.. i needed assurance.. i needed to know if i'm on the right track.. but that day, God seemed so distant..
but today, i realised that God was there all along.. He heard me cry out to Him.. He knows how discouraged i am.. and He showed His faithfulness once again.. am really blessed by today's cellgroup meeting..
Four Characteristics of a person with a different spirit
1) A person with a different spirit dares to believe God.
2) A person with a different spirit is committed to the vision and purpose of God.
3) A person with a different spirit is meek.
4) A person with a different spirit is kingdom minded.
i was totally blown away by the message.. it then occurred to me that i cant lose sight of my vision no matter how tough the circumstances.. even caleb had to wait 40years until he could see the promises of God.. and in the process of waiting, despite of not seeing God's promises.. caleb remained faithful.. he held nothing back and gave God his all.. indeed, God isnt interested in our comfort.. He is more interested in our character.. and i know that as i'm undergoing this process.. God is moulding me.. helping me be a stronger person.. and now that i'm certain of my vision.. i will be strong.. i'm not gonna give up on dancing just like that.. its not gonna be easy.. but i'm certain that the day will come for me to see God's promise for my life being fulfilled.. and i know that all the hard work is going to be worthwhile :))
isnt God simply awesome? He is so real.. He is always there.. His timing is always perfect. He will never shortchange us.. wow~ Lord, i'm really in awe of You..
When I'm weak, You are strong
You're my feet when I can't move on
You are the light, in the dark
You're the whisper inside my heart
I'm all for You :))
mmm.. just some thank you's to my darlings..
Chewie! thanks for ur concern on wednesday in the white studio.. thanks for listening to my probs.. thanks for sharing my burden.. thanks for the hugs.. u're such a sweetheart.. appreciate it lots babe! lets jia you together k! i've got ur back and u've got mine! it'll be easier to face challenges in life with friends like u ^-^ *loves*
Pui! thanks for always making me smile whenever i'm down.. u truly have a way with brightening up people's lives.. and i thank God for such an o-some lefty tribal ah lian sista! =D u're also always there to hear me out.. to share my joy and burdens.. thank you so much! u have no idea how much this friendship means to me.. love joo plankie!
Khye! hahaha~ wad more can i say? u're always there.. literally! its like whenever something bad crops up.. u're definitely right by my side.. talk about perfect timing.. heh. u were there when i was down.. you spoke words of encouragement that really enlightened me.. you're willing to sacrifice time to practice dance with me.. you keep me in prayers.. you feel my burden.. you cry with me.. you buy me chocolates just to put a smile on my face.. haha. i doubt that i can ever find another like you.. thank you, for everything :))
anyways, here are some random photos..
he bought them just for me =D

my favourite drink at o-cafe! hot chocolate! thick and creamy~ its simply divine ;))

check out the bruises that chew's got from dancing.. ouch~

thats lil eddie and lil aaron.. hahaha~ they look kinda alike dont they?

chews and i used to love SPEED! (well.. maybe F4, Nsync, 911, Spice Girls and A1 too) wahahahaha~ =X so we got high and started singing their songs for the past two days.. lols. brings back lotsa memories man.. hahahaha~
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
results! @ 11:45 PM
exam results are out..
am quite pleased with my results i must say..
it may not be all that fantastic..
but still, its a major improvement from last sem..
Last Semester's Results
Communication in workplace: C+
Operating Systems: D
Data Structures & Algorithms: C
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: C+
Database Systems: D
Introduction to Language & Culture (French): B
This Semester's Results
Logistics & Supply Chain Management: B+ (mmm.. was aiming for an 'A' though)
Information Literacy for Effective Communication: C+ (haha.)
Using the Internet as a Research Tool: B (satisfied..)
Software Engineering: B (all thanx to dr. foo!)
Graphical User Interface Development: B+ (i finally got a 'B+' for java!! i've never gotten anything higher than a 'C' for all my programming modules.. yay!)
Web-Based Application Development: D (at least i passed.. ha. really struggled with this module.. thank God for His favor and grace that my tutor gave me extra time to complete and debug my assignment.. not just once.. but TWICE ok! woohoo~ thanks miss chiang!)
yep! happy!! ^^ mmm.. actually i'm quite amazed at how things turned out for the better in this semester.. its started off lousy cuz i din get into the sub-course that i wanted.. it was either 'Enterprise' or 'E-Commerce'.. everyone said that e-commerce was easier and less stressful.. but i got into enterprise instead! -.- wads more.. all of my friends got into e-commerce.. how boring is that!
so i approached my director and appealed for a transfer.. met up with him in person.. tried my best to convince him in helping me in my transfer.. but failed.. he was really nice though.. he encouraged me and offered to help me out if i had any problems in my studies..
so yep, went ahead and studied in Enterprise.. then, things became worse.. for 3 of my main modules.. i had alot of problems with my members in our group assignment.. for GUID, peiyong and i did most of the work.. the other 2 of my members were always missing in action.. one is never in school because she's being constantly admitted to the hospital.. the other one, she just doesnt do her part for the assignment.. as for SWEN and WBAD, i got stuck with the same 2 girls and with another guy.. horrible.. its so hard to meet up to do assignments together la.. then in the end, all the compilation were rushed and done last minute.. cock up. program cant run.. ugh. felt really discouraged.. thinking, how am i ever gonna make it through.. but God is indeed faithful..
Dear God, thank You for maximising my time and capacity.. to help me cope with all the problems i had to face.. to be able to complete all of my assignments on time despite the fact that i've got other commitments.. especially for my WBAD assignment.. thank You for Your grace and favor that i received from my tutors.. i know i wouldn't have done so well in this semester if it wasnt for You :))
mmm.. 2007 has indeed been a great year so far.. even though i feel kinda stagnant in my dance right now.. but i'm beliving that things are gonna change.. the next breakthru in my life is gonna be my dance! yep! 2 more months until we graduate from project o.. its been a long and tough journey.. characters have been shaken and moulded.. problems have arised time and time again.. some have fallen and some are still standing strong.. its been a tough battle.. but i'm not gonna give up.. i'm gonna continue running this race.. i wanna be God's dancer.. serving in ministry.. not just within the 4 walls of church.. but out there in the world.. in the marketplace..
i wanna fulfil the destiny that God has for me.. its not gonna be easy.. i know, because i've been tested.. some how or rather, i sort of did lose sight of my vision.. dancing became a daily routine for me.. i just dance for the sake of dancing.. not because i want to.. but because i have to.. the passion died down.. i became tired.. things became worse when i saw no improvement.. people kept telling me that i'm not executing the steps well enough or big enough.. it really took a toll of my self-confidence.. i started being conscious of my movements.. i dared not show/express myself.. i felt restricted.. i couldnt dance when being singled out.. not even if my life depended on it.. yes.. it was that bad.. i was so afraid of what people might say about me.. about the way i danced..
so many times, i questioned God.. am i really called to dance for You? why am i not seeing my breakthrough? will i ever be a good enough dancer? thoughts of giving up came flooding through my mind in times like these.. trust me.. i really wanted to just give up.. but thankfully, i didnt.. God was there.. He knew wad i was going through.. He spoke words of encouragement to me through people.. it was then that it hit me.. that i can never get a breakthru if i dont work hard enuff for it.. i have to change this negative mindset of mine.. stay focused on the vision that God has given to me.. just take that first step of faith and believe.. i know that in due season, i'll reap the harvest.. i want to reach my maximum potential.. to fulfil God's calling and purpose for my life.. and when i go to heaven one day.. it'll be awesome to hear God say "well done good and faithful servant" :))
yep! am gonna work hard for the next two months.. there'll be lotsa dancing! talent time, easter production and also practicing for our final dance exam.. its the last lap.. and i wanna end it with a bang! jia you~ ^^
p/s: i just checked my email and this is what i received from this week's leadership files..
Quote - 'Attitude and personality are as important as experience and ability. Choose wisely.' - Brian Tracy
Hi, I'm Phil PringleYou're going to love this;
Our success depends upon whether our attitude is positive or negative, sour or sweet, good or bad.
All of life flows from attitude.
An 'up' attitude equals an 'up' life.
Down attitude, down life.
Negative attitudes form a poor platform for action.
We change our attitudes from;
Fear to Faith 'I believe God', - Say it!
Anxiety to Trust 'I trust God', - Say it!
Anger to Peace 'I forgive them' - Say it!
Hatred to Love 'I will love them' - Say it!
o-some isnt it?! God always has the perfect timing.. especially when people are in need of assurance and encouragements.. He's never too late :))
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
he's so sweet! @ 12:10 AM
danced from 4pm to 9.30pm today..
my poor knee~ =\
anyways, i accidentally stained the white floor in the studio with my cheap, black bata shoes!
there were black marks all over the floor..
so i tried scrubbing it off with CIF and a rag..
its hard work ok!
but thankfully, he helped me out..
he did most of the scrubbing for me..
so sweet please! ^-^
but i feel bad la.. all that scrubbing made his hand bleed alil..
hahaha. but am feeling so xing fu =D
p/s: thanx aw and choons for helping out too :))
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
Monday, March 12, 2007
random @ 12:37 PM
life's always so full of drama..
problems here and there..
people need to be more tactful with their words..
we're almost done with our talent time dance choreography..
Dynamix Crew :))
more practice over at smu later..
i think my knees are spoilt..
like wad daniel yeow said "dancers de jiao shi gone de" HA!
read plankie's blog yesterday..
she's such a sweetie! ^-^
you're an o-some fren too darls!
ur silliness never fails to make me laugh..
joo rock my life like secret receipe's shepherd's pie!
thanx for always being the one to pei me k..
love love~
p/s: do take care of urself.. and dun be discouraged.. jia you!
i'm loving darling chews too!
we had some uber whining and complaning session yesterday..
thanx for listening to me whine babe..
ur randomness cracks me up la!
"huh? why ah?" =X
love ya sweetie!! ^-^
i love my lil brother..
he can be a real monkey at times..
but still, he's one dumb cutie..

we share our joy and burdens..
he takes care for me despite the fact that i'm the older sibling..
life would be boring if i din have him to fight with at home..
that's my dumb holey faced brother whom i simply love ^^
my dancing gummy bear :)))))))))
its been 61 days..
he's silly..
talks nonsense when he's sleepy..
"change my cover to transparent" & "tom and jerry"
lols. dumb dumb
i cant stay angry at him for more than 3minutes.. lols.
i love to watch him dance =D
thanx for helping us out with the choreography!
and take care of ur knees too!!
study hard for ur exams k!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
friends :)) @ 12:31 AM
i'm feeling very happy now.. heh. the day was a great and memorable one.. managed to catch up with alot of old friends =D mmm.. actually, i've realised that ever since i got into project o.. i seldom have time to meet up with my other frens.. say, ex-cg members.. TRP peeps.. and sec sch frens.. i feel bad for always turning them down whenever they ask me out.. =\ sorry guys! but then, i'm glad that for the past 2 days, i managed to spend some time catching up with old buddies ^^ mmm.. for the 1st half of the day, accompanied him to study.. afterwhich, he accompanied me home to put some stuff and we left for expo to have churchwide prayer meeting.. but before leaving my house.. he did something to my pin-up board which i din notice til now! hahaha.
i had our picture pinned up.. then, he secretly wrote me a note and left it there..
haha. so sweet please :))
mmm.. prayer meeting was really powerful! Pastor Kong flew back from taiwan just to lead in this pm.. he also shared with us how the mission team was doing over there.. and i have to say that i'm really proud of sun for her courage and her obedience to God's calling.. despite of what she has to go through with the media and press.. she is still going strong.. she's really doing a great job in fulfilling the cultural mandate.. also, when i heard the songs from her new album.. whoa~ made me break down in tears.. the lyrics really touched my heart.. when she sings, she really has a way of impacting people.. her songs always tell a story.. her voice brings warmth and comfort to one's heart.. its been a long time since i last bought a CD.. about 3 years to be exact.. but i've decided that i'm so gonna buy her new chinese album, "Embrace"! hahaha. can u believe it? cal, buying a chinese album? wad are the odds of that?! lols. so yep! this proves that its really really good.. its a must buy!
mmm.. so we prayed for 3 main areas.. the mission team over in taiwan.. sun and the church =D 300,000.. it will happen!
p/s: i'm really amazed at what normal people like teachers, dancers etc. can do to help out in missionary work.. i used to tink that when it comes to missions, it means preaching the gospel.. getting souls saved.. praying for healing.. stuff like that.. but after hearing what pastor kong has shared.. i felt convicted.. that i should go on a mission trip one of these days.. because normal people like teachers and dancers.. they can go over to teach the kids who do not have the previledges of learning.. teachers are being sent not to preach to the kids.. nope.. not at all.. but just to teach them english.. also, in helping the teachers over in china.. teaching them how to better equip themselves so as to make teaching more interesting and effective to the kids.. not just that.. our dancers are also being sent over to taiwan so that they can teach the kids how to dance.. help them get in touch with the aesthetics.. to help them discover unknown talents..
wow rite! haha. you dont have to be a church staff to go on missions.. everyone can do their part.. its great to see how the church is slowly penetrating the marketplace.. not just in singapore.. but all over the world.. we're fulfilling the great commission.. fulfilling the cutural mandate :))
felt really blessed by the prayer meeting.. mmm.. and after prayer meeting.. saw ber, ivan and ger.. so ber asked if i wanna have dinner with a few of our POS frens at bedok.. said ok.. then while we were walking out of expo.. we kept seeing POS ppl.. then asked if they wanna go for dinner.. hahaha. and by the time we reached the foyer.. it was like 1 big group of us please.. lols. so funny la.. so we bus-ed down to bedok.. had dinner at the hawker center.. feels great to catch up with all of them.. also, i managed to find out from ivan that my beloved mel teo is attached!! wahahahaha!! feel so happy for her la!
mmm.. here's how the story goes.. pingping, melissa and i are really good frens.. we were from the same secondary school.. and we went to church at arnd the same time.. so we grew together in E13.. bonding even closer cuz we hang out in school from mon-fri.. then on weekends, we attend service and cg together.. hahaha. so we were like besties.. mmm.. we remained single from the 1st day we entered church until now.. hahaha. and suddenly, all 3 of us found 'the one'.. lols. so yep.. am feeling uber happy for both my darlings.. even though its been a long time since i last met them.. but i'm sure that our frenship is still standing strong..

thats us! mel, ping and i :))

ping ah.. i'm really happy for u and ur boy.. after like 7mths.. the both of u finally got approved! hahaha. and thanx for calling me up just to share ur happiness with me! ^^ u'll always be my favourite human! *loves*

mel! i'm also very happy for u and ray ray!! hahahaha. the story of how he got close to u is uber cute please.. hahahaha! and yep.. am wishing u happiness with him.. he's a nice guy and i know that he'll treat u well.. they way u deserve to be treated! haha! really very happy for u la! finally found the right guy after so many years.. hahahaha! love ya woman!! lets catch up soon!
hee. and i shall end this entry with an uber random photo..

wahahaha. thats pui.. doesnt she reminds u of kenny from south park? =p love joo plankie!
o ya! jeremy hee! u're the next person whom i wanna meet for some catching up!! ;))