Wednesday, January 31, 2007
my day. @ 8:00 PM
after handing in my SWEN assignment, had individual evaluation with Dr. Foo.. i felt that it went quite alright until he started shaking his head.. den i was like "huh? why u shake ur head?" and he replied "i shake my head to confuse my students.." hahaha. okay. hopefully that's a good thing.. lols. anyways, saw choons at Mensa canteen today.. he's so nonsense la please.. rofl. feel like punching him can.. hahaha!!! mmm.. towards the end of the day, things din go too well.. got a lil irritated due to some stuff that happened.. but then, my day took a turn for the better cuz he bought me some chocs! yay~ FAT!! hahahaha.
but 1 of them's expired.. it says "best before 20/11/06" -.- wahahaha! wtp loh.. ok, his motive is so obvious.. wanna poison me with expired chocolates! rofl. but seriously man, i thank God for sensitivity.. cuz usually, i would never look at expiry dates.. NEVER. hahaha. o well, his evil plot to poison me has failed! muahas! even so, the chocs. made my day.. thanks a million! :))
giving thanks. @ 7:55 PM
i thank God for strength..
i thank God for favor..
i thank God for sensitivity..
i thank God for blessings..
i thank God for the friends around me..
i thank God for him :))
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
VENT!! @ 4:30 PM
SWEN assignment submitted..
individual part was alrite.. but the group submission, HORRENDOUS.
ugh. someone just kill me please..
1 assignment down, 2 more to go..
GUID and WBAD are the killer ones..
but then again, there's always something to thank God for..
thank God for Mr. Koh, my LSCM tutor..
he's nice =D
jia you~ aiming for an A in LSCM! :))
p/s: sorry Dr. Foo, about the SRS thingy..
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
... @ 1:59 AM
i'm tired..
assignments; one after another..
when will this all end?
-Lord, Strengthen me-
Monday, January 29, 2007
dumb melvin tan! @ 10:52 PM
hahaha. once again, melvin tan has wrote yet another entry in his blog to jack me.. wtp loh.. such wonderful friends i have.. tsk. hahahaha! anyways, its about an hour more til its that fella's birthday.. and since i'm such a nice person.. i shall forgive him for everything he's ever done to me.. things such as jacking me in his blog and tagboard.. also, for the many murderous threats he's given me.. like wtp la.. a few days ago, he asked me to go down to town to support his bro for some gig thingy.. but since i was unable to make it.. melvin wants me dead.. -.- dumb fella! hahaha. but its ok.. i doubt he has the guts to kill me anyway.. he always claims that he's the meanest and evil-est person on earth.. but, i beg to differ.. i tink he's just saying all these to hide his insecurity and his weakling-ness.. rofl. anyways, here's a blog entry specially dedicated to the one and only melvin tan, the spastic child..
ha! see!! i told u he's spastic!! rofl~
eh melvin tan! happy birthday!! hahaha~ u're seriously OLD man.. how old are u again?? 96?? mmm.. anyways, just wanna say.. STOP JACKING ME IN UR BLOG ENTRIES!! if u continue to do so.. i would wanna fight back and irritate u even more.. which will then in turn give u heart-attacks and die! hahahaha! so be wise.. dun mess with me.. also, stop threatening me.. i aint afraid of u.. lols. i tink u've said "i'm gonna kill you!" like 6 times alrdy?? but still no action eh.. im waiting~~ do sumthing!! o but before u try killing me.. u owe me chocolate biscuits!! wtp loh.. such a lousy game organiser.. u said that winner will get choc. biscuits from u.. i won the game like 3-4mths ago.. but until now, my prize is nowhere in sight! booo~ hahahaha. woohoo~ im having such a kick outta writing this entry for u.. -evil grin- anyways, i hope that u'll see this entry soon! i bet that u'll be so happy about this! ^^
//Editted: mmm.. melvin has seen this entry and here's what he says "thanks! please take e stupid picture down or die!" hahaha. so what else is new?? yet another death threat from melvin tan.. lols. mmm.. maybe will take down the pic when im free.. rushing SWEN assignment now.. hahahaha. bye!
:)) @ 10:35 PM
woke up at 11.05am..
accessorized heads..
its more than just mere coincidences..
eddie shared some stuff abt himself..
off to study for tmr's UIR quiz..
rofl. this is eddie! the xiao tian tian.. muahas!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
satisfied. @ 2:24 PM

my craving for tao suan has been satisifed.. YESSS~
we had ching chong food for brunch :))
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
Saturday, January 27, 2007
then and now.. @ 11:16 PM
before, it was.. "this is the guy i want"
now, it's.. "this is the man i can follow"
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
LTALS @ 12:28 AM
Lefty Tribal Ah Lian Sisters know me best..
cuz they always know that im appearing offline on MSN..
they'll randomly message me "appear offline again?"
smartness please..

pui~ my favourite plankton!

khye~ my favourite bear! HA.

and together, we are the Lefty Tribal Ah Lian Sisters! woohoo~ *throw chair.flip table* HA! love 'em!
Friday, January 26, 2007
shopping! @ 11:52 PM
power ranger outing..
played DDR!!
so dumb pls..
but it really brought back alot of memories..
played time crisis 2 and daytona as well..
cal is happy!!
bought lotsa stuff today..
mmm.. actually, not alot la..
at least more than yesterday..
a black & white top..
denim skirt..
white belt..
black and green dress (he psyco-ed me into buying it.. HA! but i kinda like it as well ^^)
smu-ed for awhile..
darn.. tau suan are all sold out! 2 nights in a row! =(
and now, i'm home!
i'm a happy person.. ^^
mmm.. gonna try and get tau suan for lunch tmr..
he meets all 21 points on my criteria list =D
i'm glad he likes the gift..
good nite!
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
Thursday, January 25, 2007
xing fu de gan jue. @ 11:56 PM
hahaha. am on cloud 9.. xing fu de gan jue ^^
so, we were chatting on msn..
me: i'm feeling hungry..
him: wad u feel like eating?
me: shepherd's pie! (i've been craving for it since december but din have the chance to eat it)
him: ok.. i buy for you..
him: but where to find sia?
him: mmm.. nvm i ask puiman..
me: hahaha. no lah.. its ok..
mmm.. din tink much about it after that.. went down to heeren after com. skills.. met up with pui, khye, eddie and aaron.. den we walked over to cine's kobayashi for dinner.. ordered food.. ate and talked.. when we left kobayashi.. he asked me to open up my bag and see wads in it..
he really bought shepherd's pie for me!! hahaha~ yay! ^^
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
random. @ 3:43 PM
mmm.. am feeling bored..
nothing to do in LSCM tutorial cuz i forgot my username.. cant update on my research..
wtp rite..
its almost 4pm..
2 more hours of com. skills til school ends..
then it'll be retail therapy with pui, khye, eddie and tess in town!
cant wait..
mmm.. i've got tons of deadlines to meet..
4 assignments due soon.. REAL SOON..
quizzes next week..
presentations next next week..
Lord, strengthen me..
thank God that our dance exams are being pushed back..
its time to really work on my techniques..
ooo~ school exams are also just round the corner..
LSCM: 26 Feb
SWEN: 27 Feb
GUID: 1 Mar
jia you*
mmm.. okay.. this is really an uber random post..
im feeling tired..
2 and a half weeks til Valentine's Day!
but then again, got E-ching's Jump and Turn class..
ok bye~
convicted. @ 2:18 PM
was having my quiet time this morning before leaving for school..
and got convicted by God's word..
Proverbs 25:21-22
If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;
And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
For so you will heap coals of fire on his head,
And the Lord will reward you.
it then hit me.. even in our disappointment and anger, we're supposed to be Christlike.
Luke 6:28 says "Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you."
mmm.. our reputation may be shattered.. our pride, wounded.. and our hearts broken.. and what does God want us to do?? He says to love them anyway.. to give them food when they are hungry.. to pray for them too! by doing so, we prove the strength of our character.. thats God's way..
mmm.. so many things have happened for the past dew days and i do regret my rash actions.. shouldnt have done wad i did.. and i wanna apologise for that.. also, i thank God for speaking to me through His word :)) will work on it.. bearing a good testimony..
a great day @ 12:36 AM
mummy blessed me with $300 to shop for CNY clothing ^^
managed to debug all errors and complete my WBAD Milestone 1 ^^
he asked me a question and proved to me that he's really serious about it ^^
completed half of my SWEN assignment function testing ^^
managed to stay focused during LA Hip Hop.. caught steps fast ^^
we have the same vision ^^
overall, it was a great day and i thank God for it :))
p/s: i know that u guys care.. thanx for standing up for me =D
p/p/s: recover soon tess! hugs*
p/p/p/s: i miss pui, chews, xian and tess..
p/p/p/p/s: i miss meng too.. haha. sorry that cant meet u again =\
mmm.. gonna do some shopping tmr! cant wait~
heh. good nites people!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
stuff. @ 11:50 PM
mmm.. my tagboard's so drama please..
i seriously dun see the point of this whole thing..
you came here.. tagged my board with some unpleasent comments..
when we tagged back..
you got offended and made the whole thing seem like its me and my frens' fault..
but in the 1st place.. you stirred this whole thing up..
and now, pinning the entire blame on us..
my frens and i have apologised time and time again for the hurtful things we've said..
but then again, what about you?
don't you owe me an apology for judging me based on my appearance??
now all we want is to make peace with u..
cuz this entire argument is going nowhere..
and it totally affected your perception of God and His people..
i'm sorry that we started out bad..
but if u were to know my frens and i personally..
we're not as bad as you tink..
the only reason why we did wad we did was for defence..
they're really good frens of mine who love and care for me..
thus, they reacted the way they did..
i'm sure u'd do the same if it were to happen to ur fren..
i'm sure u'd stand up for him/her..
i mean, its a normal reaction to get a lil defensive when such things happen..
yes, even us christians get defensive..
we're not perfect you know..
and you shouldn't let one or two people affect ur perception of all christians cuz not everyone's like that..
mmm.. i really dunno wad to say anymore..
its pointless to keep arguing about this..
especially on a small lil tagboard..
if u wanna talk things out, why not meet up?
im sure we can clear the air faster that way..
and also, you'll get to see the real us and not judge us by our looks or by the things we say..
i just wanna say that i sincerely apologise for everything that has happened..
and i hope that we'll put this entire matter behind us and start afresh..
lets not waste time and energy on useless arguments..
so if u wanna talk things out, lets me know :))
Monday, January 22, 2007
updates. @ 9:21 PM
went for service on sunday..
once again, a powerful word..
We're Called to Fulfill the Cultural Mandate.
be equipped with the gifts and talents that God has given to us to penetrate the marketplace..
Project O; the Aesthetics..
went over to eugenia's house after service for her bday party..
it was great!
played.. ate.. watched 'The Dance Floor'..
saw Joyous Perfection and Nu X's on TV!!
yay! we're on TV!
mmm.. din wanna go home.. so stayed over at her place..
had long chats with khye and jacky..
then, 2hours of laughter..
all thanx to eddie ong.. that joker..
ordered Macdonald's breakfast at 5am..
i love Hotcakes :))
went home at 6.30am..
thanx for everything ah nia~

eddie cal chews ^^

darling xiaoxian & her master piece!

hole in the heart. birthmarks. lefty. thinking. scarred :)) ha!

meet Elijah Loh Yong Kai.. rofl.
p/s: happy birthday in advance to Jia Rong & Eugenia!! ^^
may 2007 be an even greater year for you both! take care.. have a blessed birthday! and also, thanx for being part of my life! keep dancing and rocking! :))
Saturday, January 20, 2007
:)) @ 2:40 AM
kenny is very wise..
thanx pui, chews, tess, xian, ger for ur support..
popper ben is uber smart..
there is a season for everything..
seek 1st the kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto you..
God is a good tester..
this love will grow stronger..
p/s: thanx aaron, choons, glenn, tess, chews for standing up for me.. *loves*
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
scars @ 12:59 AM
so i woke up this morning, still in a daze.. opened up my closet, took out a top and a skirt.. brot it to the kitchen.. switched on the iron.. then lo and behold, i accidentally burnt myself.. hahaha. but that totally woke me up man.. mmm.. now my hand has got a long red scar.. so ugly please.. ugh. anyways, headed down to school.. had GUID lab.. boring~ i'm hating java again.. hahaha~ so, after lab, it was alrdy 4.30pm.. headed down to SMU for dance practice.. saw ah ger!! yay~ miss her loads.. so i updated her on my life.. rofl. had a great time catching up with her.. thanx ger! u're an o-some fren! loves~ ^-^ mmm.. saw manda, chris and khairie too.. i simply miss dancing with Nu X's!! reggaton~ :)) ha. overall, it was a great day! i'm loving God, loving life, loving the people around me.. ^-^
-continual prayer.. friday's gonna be it-
check out our manly scars! woohoo~
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
Saturday, January 13, 2007
power rangers @ 12:58 PM
for the past two weeks.. i've been hanging out alot with the rangers.. red, white, pink and black.. hahaha. power rangers fellowship.. kinda loser-ish but still, great company.. rofl. mmm.. actually, i've got nothing much to blog about.. alrites, will be practicing on my dance now.. then in the evening, it'll be power rangers fellowship again.. movie at yishun central.. 'The Last Dance' rofl. ching chong show.. hahaha. ok bye!
p/s: i'd like to thank God for a great start in 2007! ^-^ managed to pass all of my term tests!! woohoo~ no A's.. but i did do better than expected.. hahaha. o ya.. assignments! mmm.. got tons to do and its all mind wrecking! sigh~ keep praying for God's wisdom cal! jia you~
*dances & prances*
Friday, January 12, 2007
:)) @ 3:22 PM
slow and steady..
God will lead the way..
i'm blessed..
*xing fu de gan jue*
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
:)) @ 11:27 AM
my days are made brighter and nights, sweeter =D
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
Thursday, January 11, 2007
:)) @ 11:23 PM
overwhelmed with sweetness.
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
on cloud 9 @ 12:52 PM
feeling a lil sick..
but still..
Labels: xing fu de gan jue
people i miss.. @ 12:44 AM
life has been quite hectic for the past few months.. school, assignments, dance.. so much so that i've neglected some of my very close friends.. not being able to spend time with them as often as i used to.. but then again, i thank God for their understanding.. they have continually showed me their love, care and support.. mmm.. i've always feared that frenships may drift due to this.. but it has stood the test of time and guess wad.. its still going strong! ^-^ just wanna do a shout-out to all my peeps! thanks for everything! *loves* :))
the 1st person i wanna thank i s none other than MENG!
i read this in his blog entry and it really touched my heart :))
"how can i forget my bao bei!! calynne!! hate her!! proj o proj o!! sian!! dun like!! haha but she knows i love her! jus miss u can! so much! cant see u often is killing mi!! missing the times we have together!! playing dancing!! doin silly things!! ha!! my dear cow!! come back soon k!! must spend lots time b4 ns!! i will die man!! comfirm die in ns de!! so mus spend time wif mi b4 i go in n be killed! ha! dear! i miss u lah! fasrer come back can! without u fellowship is nv the same! the laughter is nv complete! [ the fellowship of jeremy = don, cal, winne n jeremy!!] yr 2006 seem so weird! counting down with u! not completing the yr with u! so wish to go out soon! so wish to see ur face lah! wanna hear ur scream! hai!! know u chasing after ur dream lah!! can wait a while more!! dun end up changing cg hor! i will be the first one to burn ryan hse down! ha! =p! love ya lots!! dun u dare forget mi!!"
hahaha~ u'll never be forgotten meng! thanx for being such a sweetie! heh. u know i love u la.. haha. u know how much this frenship means to me rite :)) i miss doing silly stuff with u!! and thanx for being so understanding and giving me ur full support.. i know that i've been mean.. always unable to meet u whenever u ask me out.. really sorry k!! but despite all of these, u still love me.. hahaha. u rock, jeremy hee tai meng!!
shout out number 2 would be to PING!!
ping~ im missing u real bad man.. its been ages since we last saw and fellowshipped with one another.. even so, i'm glad that u called me the other day to break the good news.. hahaha! CONGRATS ON GETTING ATTACHED!! so happy for u la~ heh. thanx for rememebering me despite the MIA.. hahaha. its really sweet that u called me up just to share ur happiness with me =D love ya plenty babe!!mmm.. actually, i still have a whole list of people to thank.. like ger, gwendo, choons, ber, ivan, mel teo, mel tan, aman lim, sis sheevonne, bro pierre.. u guys are o-some and have added so much joy to my life.. yes.. even mel tan! hahaha. he can be a pain and an irritant at times (cuz he always attacks me in his blog entries and tagboard.. tsk.) but still, he makes life more happening.. rofl. let me show u how nice he is to extract from melvin's blog.. Cool Ways to Kill A Friend
Sometimes in life, I often wonder to myself why did some people even existed in this world, how did the ridiculous theory of random selection in Darwin's evolution concept produces such product in our human society and did Adam and Eve died prematurely of terminal disappointment when they know that such humans are going to come out of their loin thousands of years down the road. rofl. like wtp lah.. lolx. anyways, am feeling tired.. so i shall stop here.. once again, thanks guys! *loves*
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
photos @ 10:12 AM
Pasir Ris Park Outingreliving those childhood days are uber fun.. especially with the company of wacky frens like pui, khye, eddie & kenneth.. ha. we cycled, morphed to power rangers, played at the playground and emo-ed by the beach.. heh. ^-^ aaron came to join us only at nite for emo-session.. but this time round, emo session wasnt very lasting cuz whenever sumone starts emo-ing, the rest would go and di siao.. hahaha.

red & black planktons! *shuwi shuwi ya*
eddie, with my yellow ranger megazord.. ha!

haha. khye~ such a kid rite? rofl. cuteness la please..
Art Gallery Excursionjacky and i accompanied khye to the singapore art museum to do some research for his assignment.. i had to pay an enterance fee of $2.50 while khye & jacky got in for free.. no fair man.. why do Arts students get to have free entry?? boo~ hahaha. anyways, i managed to take some pictures before being stopped by the security.. heh.

alrites, am done blogging.. gotta study for my UIR quiz now.. after that, complete my UIR tutorial & CMSK report.. yawns~ ciao people..
something meaningful @ 10:05 AM
If you think you are beaten, You are.
If you think you dare not, You don't.
If you like to win but think you can't, Its almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, You've lost.
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are out of class, You are.
You got to think high to rise.
You got to be sure of yourself before you can win a prize.
Life battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
confidence. groove. accents. energy. sharpness.i can!thanx bestie :))
projects @ 12:23 AM
messed up.
seriously felt like crap..
been holding things in for too long i guess..
assignment's due tmr at 5pm and yet i cant solve the errors..
without solving the errors, i cant progress..
which means im still left with a whole lot of things undone..
i also need to hand in my major project proposal tmr..
couldnt think of anything..
came home, cried out to God..
talked to Him.. wept before Him..
shared with Him my innermost feelings..
feelings that no1 else knows..
He was so gentle..
made me realise things..
He helped me up..
He comforted me..
feel a whole lot better now..
am finally sane enough to sit down and tink of an idea for my proposal..
God gave me an idea just like that..
at least my proposal's done..
p/s: i did better than i expected for my Logistics Term Test..
Thank You Jesus :))
p/p/s: thanx for listening to me whine papaya.. haha.
p/p/p/s: flared up at my group members yesterday.. feel kinda bad about it now.. was so stressed that i sort of screamed in the lab.. every1 got the shock of their lives.. ha. sorry people.. needed to let it out.. mmm.. also, thanx leon for calling me up at night to ask if i'm alrite.. hahaha. :))
-my world is a better place because of You-
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
truly madly deeply @ 11:28 PM
i got this song stuck in my head..
mmm.. sometimes, i feel that songs from the 90s are way nicer as compared to the ones now..
more meaning to it..
or maybe its just me?
oh how i love Savage Garden~
Truly Madly DeeplyI'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need
I love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do
I will be strong I will be faithful 'cos I'm counting on
A new beginning. A reason for living. A deeper meaning
I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish send it to heaven then make you want to cry
The tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of
The highest power. In lonely hours. The tears devour you
I want to stand with you on a mountain,
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
Oh can't you see it baby?
You don't have to close your eyes 'cos it's standing right before you
All that you need will surely come
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do
night life @ 1:55 AM
The R(A) Showattended ryan and andrea's wedding last thursday.. it was great! its so not a typical singaporean wedding with the guestbook, wedding photos, cutting of cake and pouring of champagne.. ryan and andrea's wedding concept was something different.. which is so much cooler please.. with polaroid pictures, dances and funny videos.. it was truly a priveiledge to be invited to their wedding..
anyways, met up with project o peeps in the hotel lobby.. i must say, everyone was looking great!
beautiful people :))
just the ladies.
mmm.. shall upload the rest of the pictures another time cuz photobucket is giving me problems.. so anyway, after the wedding dinner.. ryan told us that he has 2 rooms and that we can all stay over if we want to.. o-some ah! only pui, khye, aaron, jacky, yongzhi, daniel and i stayed over.. once again, did some loser stuff throughout the night.. hahaha. took turns to have emo sessions.. also, we played cards and just took pleasure in laughing at each other.. hahaha. L4L! :)) so the next morning at arnd 6am.. khye, pui and i left the hotel and headed home..
got home.. slept, woke up in the late noon and headed down to O School for cg meeting.. after that, we went down to bugis for a cellgroup steamboat outing together with some frens from CHC, KL.. it was a great and fun time of fellowshipping and taking tons of polaroids :)) then at arnd 11pm, took train down to punggol; ger's house.. stayed over with ber, ger, ivan, mel, zhao, drew and daniel.. had movie marathon.. fantastic! simply miss hanging out with my ex-cellgroup members!! and it was so much fun! we watched, 'My Super Ex-Girlfriend', 'Click' and 'Monster-In-Law'.. ha. mel taught us how to play a game too.. which required focus and concentration.. it was so funny cuz we kept messing up due to the fact that we were kinda sleepy and concussed.. ha. but still, FUN-tastic! :)) mmm.. cabbed home with mel the next morning arnd 6.30am.. he's so dumb la.. kept irritating me.. hahaha.
woke up in the late noon again.. then went down to SMU for dance practice.. it was only kenneth, khye and i.. mmm.. we danced til arnd 7plus, den left SMU for dinner.. after which, decided to catch Death Note 2, 9.50pm at Plaza Singapura.. the place was packed.. we had front row seats.. our necks were cramped after the movie.. ha. it ended at arnd 12.30am.. kenneth cabbed home while khye and i took NR.. my bus came 1st so i left.. then khye walked over to 7-eleven to get change for his bus ride.. then, i received an sms from him saying that the cashier at 7-eleven was a tranny.. hahaha. and, guess wad.. after awhile, a tranny came up the NR.. and of all places, sat next to me.. i was so scared please.. (bad experience) hahaha. anyways, got home safely.. i love my bro.. he spared me some cash for cabfare from bedok stadium to chaichee =D
Sunday, New Year's Eve
woke up at 7.30am.. went for the last service of 2006! it was great.. am looking forward to 2007! it'll be an even better year with more achievements and breakthroughs! i'm believing God for it! ^-^ after service, had lunch with the cellgroup at bedok central.. after that, the rest of them headed down to oschool while i went home to get changed.. was supposed to leave straight after getting ready.. but the sight of my comfy bed made me wanna take a short nap.. and so, i did! haha. woke up at 5pm. den mummy drove me down to oschool =) we watched 'Chicago'.. nice movie! heh. after that, danced a lil.. then, had our dinner.. thanx ryan & andrea for the catered buffet! :)) mmm.. after dinner, all of us started the game madness! there was Citadel, Sabotuer, Bang and a few more which names i cant remember.. ha. all very interesting games that needs some mind stimulation.. haha. so we played all the way til 11.59pm.. then, had countdown.. so it was like "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year~ Happy New Year!! ok, lets continue with the game" hahahaha! so we gamed and gamed til arnd 3am.. pui, chews, nia and jess decided to go 7-eleven to buy some munchies.. after that, went back to the studio and danced! pui, khye and i came up with 1-eight each.. we now have a lefty tribal ah lian sisters dance! woohoo! then slowly, one by one.. the people left the studio and went to sleep.. eventually, it was left with the lefty tribal ah lian sisters.. haha. still hyped up.. so we danced summore.. jumped and ran arnd like retards.. woohoo! so much fun! :)) mmm.. we all left oschool at arnd 7am.. some headed straight home while the rest walked over to bras brasah's mac for breakfast.. wooo~ i love hotcakes! heh. after breakfast, zombie-d home..
Monday, 01 Jan 2007
woke up at 5pm.. received an sms from khye saying that they'll be dancing at SMU, 6pm.. so i got outta bed.. went to take a shower, got ready, left the house to meet choons and bus-ed down to smu with him.. ian had locking session.. so many ppl please.. haha. o ya! khye and nikz were uber retarded.. we were dancing to icebox.. the chorus for the song was
"i've got an icebox where my heart used to be.. i've got an ice box where my heart used to be.. nooo~ i'm so cold, i'm so cold.."
then, those 2 came up with another version of it.. this is how it goes..
Khye: "spongebob squarepants and kentucky.. spongebob squarepants and kentucky.. chicken~~"
Nikz: finger licking good.. finger licking good.."
rofl. so funny la please.. chews and i laughed like mad.. hahahaha.
mmm.. we danced til 10pm.. then went to kopitiam for dinner.. thats where that dumb khye embaressed me -.- anyways, am tired alrdy.. shall stop here.. pictures of the R(A) show will be uploaded another time.. nites! :))
new year :)) @ 1:48 AM
goodbye 2006 and hello 2007!so many things have happened in '06..
both good and bad..
the start was a lil rocky and unstable..
but the 2nd half of the year was where my life took a turn for the better..
breakthroughs in my spiritual life, finances and dance!
i thank God for it all :))