Tuesday, December 26, 2006
khye the twit @ 3:19 AM
Khye, The Ultimate Twit!anyone would think that khye's very fierce-looking juz by having one glance at him.. but actually deep down, he's a bimbotic
TWIT!!hahaha. was chatting with him on msn.. and he started being retarded..
L4L. khye > says:
TalKing LiKE ThIS woRx
L4L. khye > says:
wE arE the Ah LiAn JiE Mu
L4L. khye > says:
L4L. khye > says:HehE
L4L. khye > says:---***()*Ohh Ic--**()**--
L4L. khye > says:hehehehe.. grinX! =D
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! 1314 Zai Yi Qi WORXXX ... kaWaii NEHX!! says:hEHee
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! 1314 Zai Yi Qi WORXXX ... kaWaii NEHX!! says:mY niCK nice HUr
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! 1314 Zai Yi Qi WORXXX ... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:HeHee
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! 1314 Zai Yi Qi WORXXX ... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:*XXXxxShYXXxxxx**
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:jiE MuIX
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:U dErE?
ha! that's all khye!! o my gosh! i never knew he was like the queen of twits!! hahahaha~ this is hildarious.. im ROFLOL-ing.. hahahahaha.. khye~~~ i'm speechless.. hahahaha!!
okay, we're having a conferance converation.. in TWIT!! its like a total TWIT ZONE please!
.::† I iSh SiTtINg BeSidE A Twt nEhZzZz__--``†::. says:llolol
..*_c a l y n n e_*.. [ dance; an expression of music ] L4L. ha! says:hahah!
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:heHEx
..*_c a l y n n e_*.. [ dance; an expression of music ] L4L. ha! says:
chewie. says:
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:wAh so MuChB PplL ArHxx
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:
what iish tHiis worX?!
chewie. says:my gosh
.::† I iSh SiTtINg BeSidE A Twt nEhZzZz__--``†::. says:euU alL MiSh Me!?
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:AHAHA~!
..*_c a l y n n e_*.. [ dance; an expression of music ] L4L. ha! says:hahaha!!!
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:kE ai~ ShyXXX
..*_c a l y n n e_*.. [ dance; an expression of music ] L4L. ha! says:BTH!!!
..*_c a l y n n e_*.. [ dance; an expression of music ] L4L. ha! says:
im laghing my butt off pls..
chewie. says:
eeee khye
.::† I iSh SiTtINg BeSidE A Twt nEhZzZz__--``†::. says:hEy
..*_c a l y n n e_*.. [ dance; an expression of music ] L4L. ha! says:hahaha111
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:then you'll be butt-less!!!
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:opps
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:"hahAX"
.::† I iSh SiTtINg BeSidE A Twt nEhZzZz__--``†::. says:eUU tHinNk eUU BeRi CuTe IshhIt
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:HaOO reNN WoRXxx..
.::† I iSh SiTtINg BeSidE A Twt nEhZzZz__--``†::. says:eUU gO aWaY neHzzZZ
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:cuTer thAn eUu lohX
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:haHax
AhH liAN trIbAL SiSter!!! ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO Ke`AI --- FrewnShiP NeBeR ENds --- says:TaN ShEN mA..
.::† I iSh SiTtINg BeSidE A Twt nEhZzZz__--``†::. says:eee Bu yAo NiaN WoRXX~~
chewie. says:ohh muaaa gawshh.. sho childishxx canzz
[ Puii- ] rejoicing. ***)) says:*kick jacky* cOs eUu buLLy muH ah liiAn siStax
LOLX! khye's the ultimate twit la.. even his nick oso has that kinda fanciful wordings.. HA!
ok! added nikz & eddie to the conversation.. o my tian.. every1's a twit pro! WTP!!
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Cal^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX says:eLLooO nIkzZZZ
Chap 10 of NIKZ says:=NIKZ=, R-E-S-P-E-C-T Everyday's a surprise with Nikz!! No'what ifs',its YES & AMEN wif God says:gosh
Chap 10 of NIKZ says:=NIKZ=, R-E-S-P-E-C-T Everyday's a surprise with Nikz!! No'what ifs',its YES & AMEN wif God says:i dont wan be lian pls
Chap 10 of NIKZ says:=NIKZ=, R-E-S-P-E-C-T Everyday's a surprise with Nikz!! No'what ifs',its YES & AMEN wif God says:i tel my mama
Chap 10 of NIKZ says:=NIKZ=, R-E-S-P-E-C-T Everyday's a surprise with Nikz!! No'what ifs',its YES & AMEN wif God says:bad people.
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Ke ` Ai^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX- says:
[[]]~~~**()XiAO ChEw ChEw()***~~~[][[[ says:ccannoott worrs
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Cal^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX says:
weLcumZ to twit zone..
Chap 10 of NIKZ says:=NIKZ=, R-E-S-P-E-C-T Everyday's a surprise with Nikz!! No'what ifs',its YES & AMEN wif God says:hi mei
[[]]~~~**()XiAO ChEw ChEw()***~~~[][[[ says:cor mie xiao chew chewwww
[[]]~~~**()XiAO ChEw ChEw()***~~~[][[[ says:=)
.::† World Shaker&History Maker :: L4L:: ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO KiKi --- †::. says:lolol
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Ke ` Ai^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX- says:
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Ke ` Ai^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX- says:
[ Puii- ] --[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo pUii ` Puii^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX says:wEex~
Chap 10 of NIKZ says:=NIKZ=, R-E-S-P-E-C-T Everyday's a surprise with Nikz!! No'what ifs',its YES & AMEN wif God says:got MisSxX MeEe MaAAA?> >.<
[ Puii- ] --[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo pUii ` Puii^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX says:WAH!!
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Cal^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX says:
wheree aLL de ke^ai peOpLee arEee
.::† World Shaker&History Maker :: L4L:: ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO KiKi --- †::. says:Oh nAw
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Ke ` Ai^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX- says:
jiang hai shi lao de la.
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Cal^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX says:
y all can twit so well!!!
[ Puii- ] --[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo pUii ` Puii^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX says:
[[]]~~~**()XiAO ChEw ChEw()***~~~[][[[ says:hEeEeXXX
.::† World Shaker&History Maker :: L4L:: ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO KiKi --- †::. says:xIaO nIk nOe wOrX
.::† World Shaker&History Maker :: L4L:: ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO KiKi --- †::. says:
Chap 10 of NIKZ says:=NIKZ=, R-E-S-P-E-C-T Everyday's a surprise with Nikz!! No'what ifs',its YES & AMEN wif God says:ShE Mo ShI TwIt? ^-^
--[^--¤- -AH liAnx TrIBa SiStaX --- Aka--- XiAo Ke ` Ai^--¤- -} !3!4 4EvEr JIe MuiX- says:
.::† World Shaker&History Maker :: L4L:: ·$20[^--¤- - €v€r£a§tÎn... ****--()kaWaii()---*** NEHX!! aka xIaO KiKi --- †::. says:NoRt BaDd nEhHZzzz
edd \\ two different worlds, million light years difference says:whauii euu all talk liike thiis worxz
i love you jesus :) @ 1:29 PM
its been awhile since i last updated.. been real busy with school, assignments and dance.. i shall just do a brief entry on the past few days..
Thursdaywoke up late.
only managed to arrive in class like 5mins before SWEN tutorial ended.
this means if i were to miss another SWEN lab/tut,
felt like crap in school
so burdened.
everything just came crumbling onto me.
i seriously felt darn lousy about myself.
since i couldnt pray while in school, i decided to text God.
i wrote Him a 9-paged sms, seeking His comfort and assurance.
true enough, felt so much better after that.
He is forever faithful. =)
Friday ..
went for ryan's choreography class.
he taught us 1-eight.
then, he gave us homework to do.
we had to come up with a routine, 4-eights in total. 1-eight of the one he taught us. 2-eights of our own. and 1-eight of freestyle.
we had to show it to him the next day, saturday.
o yea! got an invitation to
"The R(A) Show" wahahaha. R(A) stands for ryan & andrea.. woohoo~ wedding invitation!
Cellgroup meeting was great!
xuehui joined us for the 1st time :))
we played a really cool game.
wenzhi was the star.
he could draw really well with his eyes blindfolded.
Genius, indeed!
Cellgroup message was "Time to seek the Lord"
Prayer is like air. without it, i'll be like a dying person.
Have constant communication with God. wherever i am, juz talk to Him.
Seek the Blesser, not the blessings.
learn to tarry in the prescence of God. don't be in a rush, just wait upon Him.
went to o school.
ryan called us into the studio and said it was time for a quiz.
my gosh~ the homework he gave us was actually a surprise quiz.
all of us became nervous, forgot our own steps.
i just don't understand why are we all so afraid of ryan?
its like, whenever we are singled out to dance in front of him, our minds just go blank.
before and after the quiz, we could all do the steps. we had it in the palm of our hands.
but once we're in the studio, in front of him. its a goner.
we totally messed up.
could see that he was disappointed.
so were we, in ourselves.
after the quiz, he gave us more homework.
we had to come up with 10 poses, 10 facial expressions and a self-choreo routine of 4-eights by thursday.
BUT, he'll only give us the song on wed nite.. which means i'll have to come up with 4-eights in school! =Lord, i pray that You'll gimme a creative mind so that i can come cum with 4-eights of routine just like that. *snap fingers*
so after that, we had spring cleaning in oschool.
the white studio was the most tedious job.
we scrubbed the floor like mad.
but it was fun.
haha. is kenneth's so hungry that he has to dig the thrash bag for food?
when u put ryan & kenneth together, it just spells entertainment.. ha.
Sundayi truly feel that the message Pastor Kong preached was a one in season.
be like Shamgar.
be bold; step out in faith.
if God has given you a dream, it will come to pass.
start at where you are
use what you have.
do what you can.
i believe in the power of ONE!even if the odds are 600 to 1, i believe that i can be a great dancer for God.
despite the fact that there are many other better dancers out there that i have to compete with.
i believe that i can!
Despite that i have fear within me.
i believe that i will overcome it.
With God, all things are possible.
courage is not the absence of fear; courage is the boldness to confront your fear!Shamgar (Hebrew) = the one who prays and obeys.
i will be a Shamgar.
watch out world, here i come ;)
after service, went for a short lunch then for prayer meeting.
cant wait for christmas service.
im sure that it'll be a blast.
i'm gonna bring at least one fren for service!
after PM, went to parkway parade's jean yip, dyed my hair violet-brown.
i realised that the people at jean yip are uber ching chongs.. they kept speaking mandarin to me.. its so awkward la.. i totally understand them but i duno how to reply them -.- ugh. the tough life of being a kantang..anyways, after getting my hair done, walked arnd and shopped for a dress to wear for ryan & andrea's wedding..

i have a fetish for lacey stuff =Danyways, i decided to buy the 3rd dress.. and since the shop was having a "buy-2-items-and-get-a-40%-discount-on-the-2nd-item" promotion, i got myself that white lacey top as well.. okays. am done blogging.. off i go.. toodles~
p/s: i doubt that i'll be blogging anytime soon.. term tests are just next week.. and i've got assignments to clear by this week.. also, dance homework to be done.. its gonna be a tough week ahead for project o.
Father I pray for a double portion of strength and anointing to be upon project o.. Lord i pray that You begin to stretch us and maximise our capacity.. cause us to be able to manage our time well.. Indeed Lord, we are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.. Father i pray that in everything we do, we'll do it with a spirit of excellence.. be it in our studies or in our dance.. we want to be the best that we can be.. So Father i lift up everything into Your loving hands and in Jesus name i pray, Amen. :))