Saturday, August 26, 2006
mugging @ 5:16 AM
hello people.. mmm.. it's 5.16am.. just got home from mugging session with jeffs.. wah~ we started from 1am til 5am.. coolness. my 1st time mugging overnight.. heh. anyhoos, gonna do a short entry den off to bed i go! *yawns*
hmm.. b4 meeting jeffs.. went to raffles city.. bought a lil pouch for my hp n ear-piece.. also, i saw this really bimbotic pen.. kinda like it tho.. ha. so i bought it as well.. muahas! spoil myself again.. woowee~ 
so victorian! loves it~ ;))

tadaa~ its really shiny n blingy.. tink that its so cute la.. heh. anyhoos, b4 leaving RC for o school, met ger n choons! then ger passed me these! 
pastries from breadtalk for the 5 girls of proj. o! thanx ger! u're sooo sweet! love ya much! =D mm.. couldnt stay long to chat with them.. so rushed off to o school.. had ryan's PT.. muscle aches all over can.. ha. then after PT.. took a shower @ O school.. i love the bathroom! so nice~ kinda like a hotel's.. hee. so yea.. after that, we had a combined CG meeting with the teachers of CHEC.. played a game.. o! today's CG was kinda different.. ha. we stood up during praise n worship instead of the usual sitting down.. and we really jumped n danced before the Lord! ^-^ also, during the preaching of the word.. bro. kenny did it in a university style.. where we'd break up into groups and analysed qns from last weekend's services with Dr. Bernard.. then we'd come up with answers.. kinda fun n interesting.. then at the end of the day, each group wld have a representative to present our answers to every1.. whoa~ and cg ended at like 11.15pm! ha. it lasted for 2 and a half hours~ woohoo! awesome! hee. when cg meeting ended, we celebrated Bro. Kenny's birthday!! =D then, all of us went out for refrenshments.. pizza!! ^^* mmm.. but all of us din stay for long.. fellowshipped for arnd 20mins or so and we left for home..
so yea.. i came home 1st.. unpacked my bag.. washed up and changed into some casual outfit.. then at arnd 12+, jeffs called.. he said he was at my house downstairs alrdy.. so, grabbed my bag.. went down to meet him.. walked over to mac and started mugging.. but arnd 10mins into our studying.. he started exploring my camera phone.. ha! so we played arnd with it for abt 15++min.. then, my batt went dead.. muahas! thank God man! if not i think the both of us wld have been very distracted.. end up taking pics instead of studying.. ha. but then again, its back to the issue of discipline.. i must die to the flesh! in both dance n studies.. after hearing ryan's words today.. i realised that its so true.. when we learn new stuff (dance).. we have to go home n practice.. just have to put aside 30mins per day to practice all that we've learnt is good enuff.. rather than to learn new stuff this week.. go home and not practice at all.. then next week when we go back for class.. only then we try out/practice wad we learnt the week before.. like that, we wont be able to go up the next level cuz every week, we'll jus keep going thru the same old stuff cuz we have not mastered it yet.. same goes for studies as well.. yep. DISCIPLINE is what we lack.. we ought to change that mindset..
jia you project o! learn new stuff. pratice at home. show wad we have learnt in the next lesson. WE CAN!!
anyways, here are some pics taken with my hp camera..

night-vision mode.. check out my green lips! woohoo~ DOPE! =p

muahas. nonsense sia.. and jeffs was complaining abt his outfit and his hair.. saying that he wear til so casual.. also, never style his hair.. tsk. men these days.. all so vain la! worse than the ladies.. lolx.
mmm.. so after taking these few pics.. battery died.. ha. so we continued mugging til 4am (had alot of muscle cramps in between that 3 hrs! ugh.).. den he suggested that we tk a break n walk to 7-eleven to buy snacks.. and i was like.. ok.. so i started packing up my notes n stuff.. then he asked..
Jeffs: u gonna bring ur whole bag there ah?
Me: yah? den leave here meh?!
Jeffs: ya la.. as if any1 will steal like that..
Me: *stunned & speechless*
muahas. but still, i decided to bring my bag along.. but left all my notes there.. ha. cuz my bag is my baobei!! given to me by my beloved TRP peeps! expensive k~ im not gonna let anything bad happen to it! ha. but that fella just brot along his wallet n hp.. leaving his notes, a carton of milk which mac gave for free with every purchase of a meal n his krumpler bag (which costs $170+) there! ha. such a retard =X
so yea, we walked over to 7-eleven.. was browsing at the sweets arnd the counter area.. then the cashier suddenly talked to me.. lolx. she said that my bag was cool!! yay~ of cuz cool la.. my beloveds bot it for me 1 ma.. hur. ^^* so yea.. toked to her a lil.. found out that she loves big bags as well.. cuz look more garang.. rather than a small bag.. too lady-like.. lolx! she's so cute n frenly la.. heh. den after that.. i walked arnd to look for more stuff to buy.. ok.. so when jeffs n i were done.. i went to pay at the counter.. but before i left.. she said..
Cashier: ok, thank you..
Me: *smiles* byebye~
Cashier: btw, cool bag and cute boyfren..
Me: eh?!! he's not my boyfren!
wahahahas. and that jeffrey.. so thick skinned can.. while we were walking back to mac.. he said.. "u got hear wad she say?? i'm cute leh!!" lolx. den i was like.. "erm.. ok, shut up.." ha! =X nonsense 1 loh.. tsk. anyways, when we returned to mac.. everything was still there.. but i duno y.. jeff is such a dumb dumb.. instead of checking his bag to see if anything's missing.. the 1st thing he checked, was the carton of milk.. he wanted to see if any1 had drunk it n left it empty for us -.- lolx! anyhoos, continued mugging til 5am.. then we decided to go home.. he really looked half-dead la.. actually at arnd 3plus.. he alrdy like cannot make it.. asked him wanna go home.. he die also dun wan.. wanna act HERO only.. he said if i wanna go home, den go.. he wanna stay n mugg summore.. lolx. but i was still alive n kicking.. so accompanied him til 5am.. mmm.. so, we left mac.. he walked me home.. then, he gotta walk all the way home by himself again.. even tho its only 3 busstops away.. but given the condition he was in.. he looked as if he could collapse and fall aslp on the ground anytime =X alrights.. going to bed now.. good nite people!
ps: wont be able to go for gin's hiphop class tmr =( -mugging mode- *sianzors* have fun project o!! missin y'all alrdy~ see u guys on sunday for service! yes, can any1 be so nice to gimme morning call a like 7am?? i dun wanna be late for service ever again! heh.